Tag Archives: qatar

US reportedly in talks on keeping restrictions on ‘Taliban Five’ as deal set to lapse

The Obama administration reportedly has launched talks with Qatari officials about potentially extending security measures for the five Taliban leaders who were traded a year ago for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, with the agreement governing their supervised release soon set to…

UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights

What country deserves more condemnation for violating human rights than any other nation on earth? According to the U.N.’s top human rights body, that would be Israel. Last week, Israel was the U.N.’s number one women’s rights violator. This week…

UN Security Council calls for cease-fire in Libya

The U.N. Security Council called for a cease-fire in Libya on Wednesday, three years after the overthrow of the Muammar Qaddafi regime plunged the country into sectarian war. The resolution also called for the strengthening of the arms embargo on…