Tag Archives: reform

Is Amtrak America’s money pit?

WASHINGTON – Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are calling for change in the wake of this week’s deadly Amtrak crash in Philadelphia that claimed eight lives and injured more than 200 passengers. They argue Amtrak has been a black hole for…

Patent Reform And The New Congress

On December 5, 2013, the House of Representatives did something strange. It passed a bill that helped American businesses. In response, the Senate did something decidedly more familiar: it killed the bill. The 2013 Innovation Act was a Patent Reform…

Petraeus Must Change War Strategy or Risk Failure

It is unfortunate that President Obama had to accept Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s resignation for his serious lack of judgment with the Rolling Stone article. McChrystal has been a superb warfighter, but this was way out of bounds. I have had…