Tag Archives: sarah palin

Hypocrites on the left: Liberals believe abusing women is awful – unless it’s the Palins

Four Islamic terrorism incidents in a single week – two in Canada, one in New York and one in Israel. Naturally, journalists found a perfect target for their hate. Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol. CNN’s Carol Costello showed the…

Reframing The Health Care Debate Is A Long-Term Political Must

With the Syria crisis entering a new phase, the focus among Washington policymakers has shifted to the debate over the debt ceiling and efforts by far-right Republicans to try and defund the Affordable Care Act. While it makes for good…

Fox News hires Scott Brown as contributor

Fox News Channel is hiring former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown as a contributor, and the Republican is making his debut in prime time on Wednesday. ; The network says Brown will offer commentary across several programs, starting with Sean Hannity…

No Laughing Matter — From Wonkette to Louis CK, Attacks On Sarah Palin and Her Son Trig Are Despicable

The problem with the Sarah Palin dialogue that’s gone on in this country since 2008 is that people either want to smear and destroy her, or viciously attack anybody who doesn’t adore her. That’s exactly why I’ve steered clear of…