Tag Archives: white

Hypocrites on the left: Liberals believe abusing women is awful – unless it’s the Palins

Four Islamic terrorism incidents in a single week – two in Canada, one in New York and one in Israel. Naturally, journalists found a perfect target for their hate. Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol. CNN’s Carol Costello showed the…

Automatically re-enrolling in ObamaCare could pose dangers, analysts warn

After the rocky rollout last fall of the ObamaCare website, the administration wants to re-enroll those already in the system in hopes of avoiding another technological embarrassment. But analysts warn that just blindly re-enrolling could mean trouble for consumers. “This…

Battle-tested Walker fights to keep job in Wisconsin

Cutting the ribbon on a new facility in Waukesha, Wis., local businessman Gunner Lyslo told Gov. Scott Walker, “Maybe this is something you will do in the White House.” ; Ever the savvy politician, Walker lifted up both palms, as…

What We Need To Hear From President Obama On His ISIS Strategy Tomorrow Night

We’ve been hungering for consensus in America and we’ve got it: 91% of Americans see ISIS as a threat to the vital interests of the United States, according to a new Washington Post poll. 71% of respondents support airstrikes in…

Memo to Obama White House: The new normal isn’t ‘tranquility,’ it’s terror

Last week, before a Russian-made surface to air missile shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine and before Israel began ground combat operations against Hamas in Gaza, Fox News correspondent Ed Henry asked White House spokesman Josh Ernest…

New U.S. Sanctions Against Russia Go Further Than Ever Before

“We have emphasized our preference to resolve this issue diplomatically, but we have to see concrete actions and not just words…So far, Russia has failed to take any of the steps that I have mentioned. In fact, Russia’s support for…

Israel crisis: Obama’s obscene moral relativism

As Palestinian terror dramatically escalates, the Obama administration is working hard – not to defeat the terrorists, but to tie Israel’s hands behind its back. Sure, there is background noise paying lip-service to an Israeli right of self-defense and babbling…

Environmentalist and Democrat mega-donor accused of hypocrisy

With his increasing visibility and political involvement, San Francisco environmentalist and mega-Democratic campaign donor Tom Steyer is making Democrats a rich target for hypocrisy, critics say. Steyer has pledged $100 million this year to elect Democrats who are committed to…

ABC, CBS, NBC cover up IRS, VA scandals but love Christie’s bridge troubles

Imagine Watergate. America’s greatest political scandal took down a president. Only picture The Washington Post barely covering it. The story would have died on the vine. Richard Nixon would have completed his term in office without scandal. He would have…

Fox Nation celebrates its fifth anniversary

Fox Nation is five years old, but it’s 317.8 million Americans strong. A century-and-a-half ago, Walt Whitman wrote, “I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear”—and if the great poet were with us today, he would no doubt be…