Tag Archives: brown

Black-balled: LA tries spherical scheme to block evaporation amid drought

Is a bevy of black balls – 96 million to be exact – a crucial solution in helping California manage its calamitous drought? On Monday, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti deployed the final 20,000 of the 96 million “shade balls”…

‘All about the money’: Motorists plagued by sky-high Calif. traffic ticket fines

Casey Campbell served two tours in Iraq, but the fight of his life is in California. After driving without a seat belt and no front plate, he got a $25 traffic ticket that jumped to $300 with assessments and surcharges.…

Patent scandal: UN asked to investigate top official

Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization Francis Gurry. (WIPO/Berrod Emmanuel) EXCLUSIVE: Investigators with the United Nations Secretariat in New York have been asked to look into longstanding charges that Francis Gurry, director general of the World Intellectual Property…

Boston U prof now sorry for ‘indelicate’ tweets blasting white men

Boston University Professor Saida Grundy (Boston University) A newly hired Boston University professor is sorry for her “indelicate” tweets bashing white males and vows to be fair to all of her students, after the school’s president and several alumni complained…

All-Star panel: Ted Cruz shakes up 2016 race

This is a rush transcript from “Special Report,” March 23, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIPS) SEN. TED CRUZ, R-TEXAS: I believe in you. I believe in the power…

First government-owned pot store opens in Washington state

The city of North Bonneville, Wash. — population 1,000 — sits along the Columbia River a stone’s throw from one of the world’s largest hydroelectric dams. On the other side of the Columbia River Gorge is the state of Oregon.…

Smartphone addictions: Why we need to unplug

Is America’s smartphone usage out of control? Fox News’ Andrea Tantaros tackled the topic in her show “Trending With Tantaros,” speaking to Scott Brown, president of marketing and innovation firm The Company of Others. “We sit in these meetings and…

From Ferguson to immigration: Obama’s divide and conquer political strategy has failed our nation

A recent Quinnipiac poll shows support for illegal immigrants at 48 percent, a historic low. This is what the president’s cynical manipulation of the Hispanic community has delivered: a hardening of American attitudes. The same distancing will likely occur between…

What to expect from the biggest tech show of the year

If you like gadgets, you’re gonna love this: An entire year’s worth of smartphones, high-definition TVs, tablets and more will be unveiled next week at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the premier venue for the world’s gadget makers to…

China’s cotton stockpiling threatens to devastate American producers

AIKEN, S.C. – The Unites States is the third-largest producer of cotton, a product that everyone wears, everyone uses. But that may not be enough to ensure the security of the American cotton industry, with China now a major player…