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Tag Archives: california
Why Michael Bloomberg’s latest push for gun control is all wrong
Michael Bloomberg is spending tens of millions of dollars trying to convince state legislatures to support restrictive gun control laws. ;From television and newspaper ads, to blanketing communities with flyers, to bringing in people from out of state to testify,…
Mitch McConnell: A beaten man presiding over a broken Senate
Editor’s note: The following op-ed originally appeared in The Hill newspaper and on
After a terrible, bone-breaking accident and two eye surgeries, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the former Senate Majority Leader, is scheduled to be back on Capitol Hill…
Fool of the Week: MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry
The thing about this honor (“Fool of the Week”) is that it can be awarded for a single comment stemming from a momentary lapse in judgment. We’ve all been there.
Or it can be given to a repeat offender. A…
Soft-on-crime policies leading to more crime?
As overcrowding and budget shortfalls plague U.S. jails, the response increasingly has been to go softer on sentencing.
But that trend is raising concerns that the jails are only feeding the problem, releasing criminals who in turn go on to…
Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio 2016 showdown would force Miami powerbrokers to take sides
Miami – Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio grew up, politically, in the same power circles in Miami. The two men share many of the same Republican donors and friends who helped them ascend South Florida’s…
Washington county considering ‘book and release’ policy for criminal defendants
King County in Washington State could be about to get a lot softer on crime.
County Executive Dow Constantine announced that if judges, prosecutors and public defenders can’t figure out a way to speed up the time it takes criminal…
Rubio presidential run could appeal to GOP establishment and conservatives, analysts say
Could U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio win back the White House for the Republicans?
Some political experts think so, describing the Florida lawmaker as a candidate who has the support of the party’s conservative base, but who also has crossover appeal.…