Tag Archives: children

What every parent knows (and Target doesn’t) about boys and girls

G.K. Chesterton, a prolific writer of the early 20th century, once said, “Don’t be so open-minded that your brains fall out.” Nowhere is this mantra more evident than with the latest news about Target’s gender-neutral policy. The retail giant has…

What is happening in the brain of my teenage children?

Raising teenagers is no easy task. Risk taking, emotional drama and attitudes all play a part in growing up during adolescence. It’s often difficult for parents to know what’s really going on inside the minds of their teens, but could…

Amid latest release of emails, Hillary Clinton’s campaign makes public tax and medical details

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton waves as she is introduced before speaking to the National Urban League, Friday, July 31, 2015, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee) (The Associated Press) WASHINGTON – Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband…

A faraway planet that could sustain intelligent life is finding backers

NASA has discovered the answer to all of our problems. It is another planet, a possible twin to Earth that could theoretically sustain life. This revelation could be bigger than Columbus “discovering” America, or Lewis and Clark finding the Northwest…

Could lead paint have played a role in Freddie Gray’s death?

The death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore last month is a tragedy that has conjured strong feelings on race, poverty, and violence in its wake. As journalists and investigators try to answer the question of who Gray was and what…

Children of war: Iran-backed Houthis recruit kids as young as 6 in battle for Yemen

Iranian-backed Houthis fighting for control of Yemen are swelling their rebel army with children as young as 6, giving them food, a few dollars a day and the grim warning that “there is no going home to Mommy and Daddy,”…

Why ‘Sex Box’ needs to be stopped

There will soon be a new show on cable television that would make our grandparent’s generation roll over in their graves. No doubt times have changed, but this new show begs the question of how far the media will go…

Islamic State torturing, killing, raping children in Iraq; government must do more to help, UN says

ISIS is beheading, crucifying and burying alive children and families of religious minorities in Iraq, according to a UN report, which called on government forces there to do more to protect them. In a report issued Wednesday in Geneva, the…

Parting Shot: Outgoing Arizona Gov. Brewer calls Obama a ‘failed president’

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, stepping down after six years in office where she was a perpetual thorn in the side of the Obama administration, is leaving with a parting shot — calling President Obama a “failed president.” “He’s been a…

‘Blown out of proportion’: Dad defends teens suspended for posing with Airsoft guns

A Massachusetts teen who was suspended from school after a photo of her and her boyfriend holding Airsoft rifles was posted on Facebook made an innocent mistake that the school has “blown out of proportion,” her father said Wednesday. Jailes…