Tag Archives: country

Anchor Brewing makes big beer that tastes small

(Anchor Brewing) In the last couple decades craft brewing has become big business, with craft brewers popping up throughout the country. With all those new brew houses it’d be easy to ignore the brewers who delivered on the promise of…

Lung Cancer Caregivers Find Support Online

Imagine being told out of nowhere that someone you love has lung cancer and their chances of survival look grim. Now, imagine that your loved one doesn’t smoke and is otherwise healthy. . . It happens more than you think.…

Tea Party ‘Terrorists’ and the Mainstream Media

Well, if it wasn’t obvious before it sure ought to be now. The liberal media elite have gone around the bend and over the cliff. The Crazy Train they’ve been riding has finally crashed. And it’s all because of those…

No Laughing Matter — From Wonkette to Louis CK, Attacks On Sarah Palin and Her Son Trig Are Despicable

The problem with the Sarah Palin dialogue that’s gone on in this country since 2008 is that people either want to smear and destroy her, or viciously attack anybody who doesn’t adore her. That’s exactly why I’ve steered clear of…

Why ‘The Donald’ Trumps Obama’s Cult of Celebrity

If I were to have told you five years ago that somewhere in the near future, we would see a candidate whisked into office not based on any previous political accomplishments, not for any stellar track record with the American…

LARRY GATLIN: Have I Stayed Too Long At the Fair?

I really love songs…make that, I really love great songs. I know one when I see one…or, hear one. I have had the great, good fortune to have been tutored in the art, not of songwriting, but, songcrafting, by some…

LARRY GATLIN: There Are No Atheists In Foxholes — Or In Coal Mines

It’s said that there are no atheists in fox holes. I would add… or in a coal mine if you are there for 69 days. ; “And JESUS was in the tomb for three days and on the third day…

Crime Stoppers Seek to Capture International Fugitives Hiding in U.S.

Wilhelm Alvin Marti is wanted in India on allegations of sex crimes, crimes against children and kidnapping. Emil Durst is wanted on drug crime charges in Panama. William Gomez Lima is wanted in a kidnapping case in Brazil. What do…