Tag Archives: emergency

Baby pacifiers 101: How to choose, use and wean

Paci, binky, dummie. Whatever you call it, chances are your baby has one. And when that little sucker rolls under the crib, gets buried in the diaper bag, or your baby cries for it in the middle of the night,…

What’s the hold-up on 911 texting?

File photo. (REUTERS/Vivek Prakash) Imagine being stuck in your house during a burglary with no way to call for help. If you make a sound, the thieves will find you. While your smartphone can technically send a 911 text message…

Gear to help you survive the first 24 hours after disaster strikes

First 24 kit. (Taurus) If disaster struck, how would you survive the first 24 hours? A new, lightweight, rugged kit contains key tools that would certainly give you an advantage. Taurus has created a solution to improve your chances in…

Celebrating the restoration of the emergency center at my hospital — NYU Langone Medical Center

Ken Langone, chairman of the Board of Trustees at the NYU Langone Medical Center, the New York City hospital center named after him, was being treated for pneumonia on the 11th floor of the facility when Superstorm Sandy flooded the…

Strong drinks for the holidays

Churchill’s HolidayPachanga Patterson (Astoria, Queens, N.Y.) ; Get Recipe Here The Churchill cocktail with a twist. This mix of traditional flavors contains bourbon, triple sec, apple cider, honey simple syrup and cinnamon. Strong drinks to make your spirits bright Looking…