Tag Archives: london

Reporter says Clinton camp denying him access to events

The simmering dispute over media access to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign erupted again Monday when a reporter for DailyMail.com was told by the campaign he couldn’t attend her events in New Hampshire. David Martosko, a reporter for DailyMail.com, a website…

Why men won’t marry you

Where have all the husbands gone? That’s a question Peter Lloyd tackles in a series in London’s Daily Mail about Britain’s marriage rate, which is at its lowest level since 1895. “The state of matrimony is not just ailing. It…

Paris terror attacks: US, world must adapt to new face of terror, get serious about security

The Paris massacre is just another example of the new normal in the West. It’s radical Muslim extremists attacking civilians — either randomly or in revenge for alleged insults to Islam — all in the name of religion. A lone…

Obama Opts To Delay and Diffuse

In Tuesday’s address President Obama didn’t change any minds. And he certainly didn’t offer any answers to the litany of questions from Congressmen, Senators, commentators and everyday Americans that have been posed since the President came out in support of…

Bulger parents speak of pain over Venables release

Denise Fergus stands with her husband Stuart as she speaks to the press after addressing a parole hearing for Jon Venables by video link from Crosby on May 22, 2013. The parents of the murdered two-year-old toddler expressed their anguish…

Japanese elderly fight ‘Americanized’ TV

Imagine your television news sprinkled with words that sound vaguely English but are in fact a corrupted form of Japanese. You would surely be confused. That’s the problem facing Japan’s elderly when they tune into the National broadcaster NHK at…

Enkhbayar’s Trial Was Just For Show

As I wrote earlier this week, there is substantial reason to question the health of Mongolia’s democracy. Former President Enkhbayar’s three-day trial demonstrated to the world the corruption of current President Elbegdorj’s regime. The politically driven assault on Enkhbayar has…

What’s happening in America is no laughing matter, Mr. Obama

President Obama has one hilarious week in front of him. At least that’s how the headline in the New York Daily News put it: “Hilarious week lined up for Obama, prez to appear on Fallon, Kimmel to roast him at…