Tag Archives: mayor

Black-balled: LA tries spherical scheme to block evaporation amid drought

Is a bevy of black balls – 96 million to be exact – a crucial solution in helping California manage its calamitous drought? On Monday, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti deployed the final 20,000 of the 96 million “shade balls”…

Most illegal immigrants from border surge skipped court date after release, records show

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrant women and children streamed across the U.S. border last year seeking asylum and protected status, claiming a “credible fear” of going home to the violence in Central America. President Obama addressed the crisis through…

Ciberataque a EE.UU. afectó información sensible de funcionarios y proveedores

Washington – El ciberataque a Estados Unidos revelado la semana pasada y que los medios de EE.UU. atribuyen a piratas informáticos chinos fue mayor de lo publicado en un primer momento y afectó información “sensible” de millones de empleados y…

2016: Hillary Clinton and the O’Malley factor

Martin O’Malley, former Baltimore mayor and Maryland governor, announced his presidential candidacy on Saturday, and said some things that could be taken as criticism of President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. “Today, the American dream seems for…

‘Covering Guns’: Columbia University’s ‘workshop’ for journalists far from objective

Columbia University would never sponsor an event funded by the National Rifle Association. What’s more, the idea would seem especially outlandish if most of the speakers at the event were NRA supporters. Yet, gun control advocate and former New York…

Analysis: In Baltimore unrest, liberalism on trial?

“This has been a slow-rolling crisis,” President Obama said at the White House on Tuesday, standing alongside the Japanese prime minister. “This is not new, and we shouldn’t pretend that it’s new.” In that assessment of the origins of the…

Baltimore proves need for ‘Broken Windows’ policing

Here’s hoping Mayor Bill de Blasio isn’t too busy playing political games and barnstorming the country to absorb the right lessons from the Baltimore riots. If he’s paying attention, he’ll learn a thing or two about policing and that the…

Baltimore riots and the price of protest

April 29, 2015: Members of the National Guard stand outside City Hall in Baltimore. Schools reopened across the city and tensions seemed to ease Wednesday after Baltimore made it through the first night of its curfew without the widespread violence…

Baltimore on the Brink

Maryland state troopers stand guard as residents clean up, Tuesday, April 28, 2015, after an evening of riots following the funeral of Freddie Gray on Monday, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) The big story today is the riots that raged…

Hillary’s Faberge egg candidacy

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Hillary’s Faberge egg candidacy• O’Malley: ‘Contrasts will become apparent’• Power Play: Border surge redux• 2016 GOP Power Index: Christie tries to get a rally going• The…