Tag Archives: philadelphia

Gun-free zones an easy target for killers

The horrible tragedy last night that left nine people dead at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., probably could have been avoided. Like so many other attacks, the massacre took place in a gun-free zone, a place…

Connecticut’s strict gun licensing law linked to steep drop in homicides? Not really

A new study in the American Journal of Public Health claims that the state of Connecticut’s 1995 gun licensing law has reduced firearm homicide rates by 40 percent. But this just released study gives academics a bad name. Not surprisingly,…

Where’s the coverage of heroes who stop mass killings?

Heroic citizens stopping someone from killing a large number of people don’t seem to be considered news worthy. Don’t people want to read about a brave soul risking his life by running towards the sound of gunfire while others run…

Is Amtrak America’s money pit?

WASHINGTON – Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are calling for change in the wake of this week’s deadly Amtrak crash in Philadelphia that claimed eight lives and injured more than 200 passengers. They argue Amtrak has been a black hole for…

Train Disaster Kills At Least 6

A crime scene investigator looks inside a train car after a train wreck, Tuesday, May 12, 2015, in Philadelphia. An Amtrak train headed to New York City derailed and crashed in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Joseph Kaczmarek) NTSB investigators expected to arrive…

Uneasy peace: Social media buzz points to more Baltimore violence as cops, troops keep the peace

Baltimore firefighters battle a three-alarm fire Monday, April 27, 2015, at a senior living facility under construction at Federal and Chester Streets in East Baltimore. (Jerry Jackson/The Baltimore Sun via AP) The data mining firm that found between 20 and…

Political Grapevine: Regional VA director’s shocking moving expenses

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine: Moving Heaven and Earth We all know moving is a hassle and expenses can add up fast, but one federal employee claims to have racked up a nearly $300,000 tab that you…

Herb extracts: this holiday’s best, unknown cooking hack

Herb extracts are the unknown holiday kitchen hack. Ditch the traditional herbs this holiday. (Star Kay White) PreviousNext A new line of savory extracts wants to do for cooks what vanilla extract does for bakers — become a shortcut to…

Decision to let cop killer Abu-Jamal give commencement speech ‘despicable,’ widow says

A Vermont college’s selection of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal as speaker at its commencement Sunday is a “despicable” decision that should be reversed, his victim’s widow told FoxNews.com. Maureen Faulkner, whose husband Daniel was gunned down by Abu-Jamal in…

What Obama can say to avoid being a one-term wonder

Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville released a report Monday, in which they argued that contrary to the consensus among “elites,” ;it would be a losing strategy for President Obama to base his reelection campaign “on his economic performance.”…