Tag Archives: record

Message to French leaders (and cab drivers): Let innovation lead

When Courtney Love, the queen of grunge, is afraid to set foot on city streets, she must be in a pretty rough town. In fact, Love was in Paris on Thursday morning when she tweeted that the cab she was…

Fox News Poll: Voters believe White House incompetent, US still in recession and ISIS has moved next door

Majorities of voters feel the country is still in recession, think terrorists are living in their hometown and rate the Obama White House handling of the government as incompetent. Those are some of the findings from the latest Fox News…

Fox News Poll: Voters say fight against ISIS going badly

Voters overwhelmingly believe ISIS is a real threat to the country. ;They also think America’s fight against the Islamic extremists is going badly. ; That’s according to a new Fox News poll released Wednesday. Most voters, 81 percent, feel the…

Jeb Bush faces conservative scrutiny after dipping toe in 2016 waters

As former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush mounts an increasingly likely presidential campaign, he’ll first have to weather some brutal attacks from within his own party. “You know what Jeb Bush is? He’s an old-time liberal Republican. That’s what he is,”…

China’s e-commerce giant takes on eBay and Amazon

(AP/File) There’s a new kid on the block looking to take on eBay and Amazon. At first glance you may think 11Main.com is just another Internet startup that will quickly fade and disappear, as have so many others that tried…

Obamacare Sign-Up Deadline Extended

Americans now have an extra 24 hours to sign up for healthcare coverage that is set to begin Jan. 1. The original deadline – 11:59 p.m. tonight – was quietly extended through tomorrow night, without any public announcement, as first…

A Narrow Win For Romney

Tonight’s presidential debate lived up to the hype. It was clear that Romney was well prepared, showing America a lively and focused side that we have yet to see thus far in the campaign. And although we saw Obama win…

What Americans know that Obama and Romney do not

Mitt Romney’s off the record remarks are potentially a very serious problem for him. By dividing the country into those who pay taxes and those who don’t pay taxes, the former Massachusetts governor has made both a substantive error and…