Tag Archives: william

Feds crack down on Chinese ‘birth tourism’

Airfare from the U.S. to China and a months-long stay in an Orange County, Calif., apartment: $80,000. A baby born a U.S. citizen: priceless. In the largest operation of its kind, early Tuesday morning federal officials in Southern California served…

To fix America’s economic woes, a common language is needed

America’s best chance of overcoming the great economic challenges of this age – leading the global economy, creating new jobs and fostering a culture of innovation – requires collaboration. To get there, we need a level of shared understanding about…

Technology and the Golden Rule: The Internet does not erase our moral responsibility

The Internet does not erase our moral responsibility – some activities involving technology are simply wrong. Our culture, mores, religion and the weight of judgment of the Internet community can and should encourage ethical behavior. I suggest we live by…

Qaddafi’s Demise Is Straight Out of Shakespeare

For once, a fitting end: Justice both done and seen to be done in the streets of Sirte. Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi, after no less than 42 years of brutal, corrupt, despotic, vicious and murderous abuse of power, was hauled…

Fast and Furious Screw Up Hurts Innocent Americans

There are now enough Operation Fast and Furious officials playing hide-and-seek in the Obama administration to fill a New York City-style “rubber room.” Yesterday, the Justice Department announced it was shuffling Kenneth Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol,…

Tea Party ‘Terrorists’ and the Mainstream Media

Well, if it wasn’t obvious before it sure ought to be now. The liberal media elite have gone around the bend and over the cliff. The Crazy Train they’ve been riding has finally crashed. And it’s all because of those…

Jesus Nearly Banned at White House Inn

I can see the headlines now: “Gate-crashers Enter White House; Jesus Kept Out!” Except it almost happened. Really. I was reading the New York Times Sunday Styles section yesterday (yep, I’m straight) when I came across an article about embattled…