Tag Archives: william

Countdown to 1st GOP Debate

President Obama unveiling strict new controls on pollution today. The rules and regulations are designed to drastically cut the amount of greenhouse gasses being released into the atmosphere. Many corporations and states are poised to file lawsuits to challenge the…

A faraway planet that could sustain intelligent life is finding backers

NASA has discovered the answer to all of our problems. It is another planet, a possible twin to Earth that could theoretically sustain life. This revelation could be bigger than Columbus “discovering” America, or Lewis and Clark finding the Northwest…

Are celebrity seflies exacerbating some fans’ body image issues?

LOS ANGELES – Is the condition known as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) being worsened by the growing obsession with selfies? BDD is a debilitating preoccupation with even the most minor aesthetic “flaws.” Medical and sociology experts are now delving deeper…

Will missing e-mails hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign?

This is a rush transcript from “Special Report,” June 26, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SHANNON BREAM, GUEST ANCHOR: All right, we have another topic today that we want to make…

Documents challenge Clinton claim no classified intel on personal emails

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her personal email account to handle high level negotiations in 2011 for a no-fly zone to help topple Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, according to a series of emails obtained by Fox News, challenging her…

The Foxhole: Andrea Mays on Shakespeare, Henry Folger and the mania of collecting things

When William Shakespeare died, in 1616, it’s not as if he were Shakespeare or anything. After all, the Bard had been retired for a few years, with his works seldom performed and eighteen of the plays he had written –…

Following the Clinton Money Trail

FILE – In this Sept. 29, 2014, file photo, former President Bill Clinton, right, and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, second from right, wave to the media as Marc Mezvinsky and Chelsea Clinton pose for photographers with their…

Depressed? Botox might be the key to happiness

Picture this: your appointment with your therapist is coming to a close and instead of writing you a prescription for an antidepressant, he gives you an injection of Botox and sends you on your way. This, experts say, could be…

Uzbek national charged in plot to send US residents to join ISIS appears in court

Dilkhayot Kasimov, the fourth man charged recently in a terrorism plot to have U.S. residents travel overseas to fight for ISIS, appeared in Brooklyn federal court Thursday in advance of a summer trial. Kasimov, a 26-year-old Uzbek native dressed in…

Lawmakers push to strip pensions for child predator teachers

Laurence Hill is a convicted rapist. His victims were 10- and 11-year-old girls he taught in a Seattle school. He served five years in prison for his crimes, and the Seattle School District paid his victims a $3 million settlement.…