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Tag Archives: baltimore
Perry points way forward for GOP on race
What is Rick Perry up to?
The former Texas governor looks to be cutting himself out of the conservative herd. He recently blasted his fellow Republicans for losing “our moral legitimacy as the party of Lincoln, as the party of…
11-3. Davis y Jiménez se combinan para derrotar a los Orioles
Houston (EE.UU.) – El abridor Chris Davis jonroneó y remolcó cuatro carreras y el abridor dominicano Ubaldo Jiménez trabajó cinco episodios para llevar a los Orioles de Baltimore a un triunfo por 11-3 sobre los Yanquis de Nueva York.
Could lead paint have played a role in Freddie Gray’s death?
The death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore last month is a tragedy that has conjured strong feelings on race, poverty, and violence in its wake. As journalists and investigators try to answer the question of who Gray was and what…
Baltimore proves need for ‘Broken Windows’ policing
Here’s hoping Mayor Bill de Blasio isn’t too busy playing political games and barnstorming the country to absorb the right lessons from the Baltimore riots. If he’s paying attention, he’ll learn a thing or two about policing and that the…