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Tag Archives: california
Can organic farming save us from overexposure to pesticides?
(REUTERS/Mike Blake/Files)
Organic produce is unlike its conventionally-grown counterpart. Careful steps are taken to ensure every carrot, strawberry, beet, potato or head of lettuce is cultivated using organic, time-tested practices, like spreading house-made fertilizer on crops or irrigating from open…
GlassesOff app claims to eliminate need for reading glasses
The GlassesOff app cdan train your brain to improve your vision. (GlassesOff)
The GlassesOff app cdan train your brain to improve your vision. (GlassesOff)
Like death and taxes, reading glasses can seem almost inevitable — perhaps until now.
$93M ObamaCare website may face months of glitches, experts warn
A screenshot of the website, which has experienced numerous glitches since it was launched Oct. 1.
WASHINGTON – The $93 million website launched to process customers through the new ObamaCare marketplace may experience significant technical glitches for months, computer…