Tag Archives: church

‘We are all sick’: FBI boss says gun check breakdown allowed Dylann Roof to buy weapon

Charleston gunman Dylann Roof should never have been been able to buy the gun he used to kill nine worshippers at a church Bible study last month, the FBI director said Friday, citing a breakdown in the national background check…

2 pastors in Sudan face death over Christian faith

Yat Michael Ruot, a Presbyterian pastor from South Sudan, was arrested after preaching in Sudan in December. Two Christian pastors from South Sudan who traveled north to Sudan and were arrested on charges of spying could face the death penalty…

ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot: Mr. Obama, when will you get angry about radical Islam?

America wants to know, when is President Obama going to get angry? When is he going to slam his fist on the desk, demand vengeance, put aside his incessant campaigning and call out the Islamic radicals of ISIS as the…

The way of serenity: Saying yes to sacred encounters

He was so right, and I wish I could go back in time to tell him how wrong I was. It was a bitter cold night in Harlem when I met this gentleman, a man whose name I am embarrassed…

Easter 2014: Hope for the dead

What is the connection between freedom and rising from the dead? When America was in its infancy and struggling to find a culture and frustrated at governance from Great Britain, the word most frequently uttered in speeches and pamphlets and…

Pope Francis Gathers Tops Lieutenants From Across The Globe To Tackle Church’s Thorniest Issues

This week may prove to be the most crucial and toughest for the still relatively new global leader of the world’s more than one billion Catholics. Pope Francis, a proud Argentinean, could make moves this week revealing his vision for…

The next pope — looking for joy and the right personality in Rome

On Tuesday 115 cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church will begin the voting process for the pope — single most influential religious leader on Earth and the leader of 1.2 billion Catholics. At 4:30 p.m. local time the cardinal-electors will…

An American Pope? Cardinal Dolan may charm his way to Vatican

America is a longshot to send the next pope to the Vatican, but if it happens, it will be either Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley (l.), or New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan (r.). (Reuters) Cardinal Timothy Dolan is quick with a…

How Pope Benedict’s courage changed my life

Editor’s note: Roman Catholic priest and Fox News contributor Father Jonathan Morris will be contributing reporting and analysis of the events in Rome for the next few weeks. He will also be providing updates on Facebook at Facebook.com/Father-Jonathan Morris and…

Church devastated by super storm Sandy looks forward to Christmas mass

For years The Oasis Christian Center had been a gathering place for the residents of Midland Beach, on the Eastern shore of Staten Island, New York. “We’ve done our best,” Pastor Tim McIntyre said, “to reach our community with God’s…