Tag Archives: donald

Investigations Remain Important, But Bipartisan Policies Are Now Essential

Early last week, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Representative Jerry Nadler launched a comprehensive investigation into President Trump and his associates. Rep. Nadler sent out 81 letters demanding documents which indicates the broad scope of the new Congressional…

POWER PLAY: The Trump factor

powered by Live POWER PLAY: The Trump factor Jul. 29, 2015 – 1:33 – For Donald Trump it’s always all about him. And while he’s up in the polls and continues to roil the Republican field, is it really, or…

Hillary draws red line for reporters

July 3, 2015: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a reporter’s question as she waits for her ice cream at Dairy Twirl in New Hampshire. (AP) **Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.**…

Liberal witch hunt against Trump is helping, not hurting him

The media and the Left are going all-in attacking Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who committed the sin of saying something that upset them when he was discussing illegal Mexican immigrants. A presidential candidate refusing to be PC? Nah, can’t…

Ted Cruz blasts the Supreme Court’s ‘damaging decisions’

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity,” June 29, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SEAN HANNITY: Welcome to “Hannity.” Tonight, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have issued a…

Donald Trump for president? The 2016 race just got fun

I know. I know. “Trump is flawed” the critics say. “He is a clown.” “He is a buffoon.” “He’s divorced…twice.” “He has business bankruptcies.” Yes, all true. And Reagan was a failed B-movie actor who played second fiddle to a…

Donald Trump for president? Why billionaire’s candidacy is no joke

I’m not endorsing anyone for president (yet). But I am on the record as saying Scott Walker has the perfect record (as Governor and anti-union warrior) to be the winning candidate in 2016. I’m also a fan of Rand Paul,…

Race and freedom: Cliven Bundy, Donald Sterling and Freedom of Speech

Cliven Bundy should be happy for the public revelation of the private comments of fellow racist Donald Sterling; the latter has replaced the former as the person Americans most love to hate. These two bigots recently spewed racial hatred: Bundy…