Tag Archives: mexican

Fox News Poll: Reshuffling of GOP field, many agree with Trump on immigration

The latest Fox News national poll finds another reshuffling in the race for the 2016 Republican nomination, as Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker gets a post-announcement bump and businessman Donald Trump claims more of the spotlight. ; Former Secretary of State…

How to free our hero #MarineHeldInMexico in 24 hours

I’ve written about the plight of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi here at Fox News. He’s being falsely imprisoned by our “friend” and neighbor Mexico. He’s been mistreated, beaten and some would say tortured. ; Isn’t it time President Obama…

Obama brings home one POW, abandons another in Mexico

My fellow Americans, we currently have a POW who was chained on all four pressure points. He was chained so tightly that his wrists and ankles bled. He was beaten and kicked by prison guards while helplessly chained. He was…

Illegal souvenirs that could land you in trouble

During fiscal year 2011, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency says it seized more than 60,000 Kinder Eggs because the small plastic toys inside the chocolate shell could pose a choking hazard for young children. (CBP.gov) U.S. Customs and…

St. Patrick’s Day cocktails to get your green on

(Mother’s Ruin) Back in 1903, when St. Patrick’s Day became an official public holiday in Ireland, there could be no way to predict what the day would become in the United States. In no rational Irish mind could anyone have…

Fast and Furious Screw Up Hurts Innocent Americans

There are now enough Operation Fast and Furious officials playing hide-and-seek in the Obama administration to fill a New York City-style “rubber room.” Yesterday, the Justice Department announced it was shuffling Kenneth Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol,…