Tag Archives: miami

After Parkland Tragedy, Legislators Must Adopt Proven Gun Violence Prevention Policies

The recent events in Parkland, Florida can be described in many ways—tragic, devastating, disturbing, inexplicable—but also, preventable. Based on the accounts that have emerged since the shooting, it is clear that the shooter, Nikolas Cruz, should have never had access…

Lynne Russell, ex-CNN anchor, and her husband are alive thanks to a gun

Lynne Russell and her husband, Chuck de Caro, believe they would be dead if she hadn’t been carrying a gun. Late Wednesday night, Russell was forced at gunpoint from a motel parking lot into her room. The robber, not satisfied…

The Foxhole: Matt Bai on Gary Hart, tabloid politics, and America’s ‘Aha!’ moment

Matt Bai is a sharp and likable guy, a seasoned reporter with an open face and ears that are always wide open: Like all good reporters, Bai – the national political columnist for Yahoo News, formerly a longtime political correspondent…

Los Lakers imponen su marca perdedora; los Cavaliers se acercan al título; volvió George

Houston (EEUU) – Nueva derrota de Los Ángeles Lakers que volvieron a tocar fondo con su juego en la pasada jornada de la NBA al establecer la peor marca que han tenido en toda la historia tras perder de locales…

Rubio presidential run could appeal to GOP establishment and conservatives, analysts say

Could U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio win back the White House for the Republicans? Some political experts think so, describing the Florida lawmaker as a candidate who has the support of the party’s conservative base, but who also has crossover appeal.…

EEUU y Cuba acercan posiciones tras seis décadas de alta tensión

Teresa Bouza Washington, 17 dic (EFEUSA).- La decisión del presidente, Barack Obama, de iniciar un diálogo inmediato con Cuba para restablecer vínculos diplomáticos entre ambos países inaugura un nuevo capítulo en la tensa relación entre Washington y La Habana. El…

Biggest misconceptions about finding the lowest airfares

Don’t be fooled by booking websites: Travel agents have tricks up their sleeves that automated websites have never heard of. (iStock) There’s a “magic” hour to find the best prices. This is the biggest myth of all. Airfares can change…

Yes, Virginia, you really can reinvent yourself. Here’s how

I didn’t see it at first, though it was staring me in the face. I was writing a psychological suspense novel about a TV host named Robin Trainer (it’s called “Eyes on You” and was published this summer) who has…

Hot swimsuit styles for beach season

Price (Top): $58.00 Price (Bottoms): $38.00 “This suit combines a few of the summer’s hot trends: mixing and matching, bold prints and colors, and the bustier top,” said Natalie Tincher, owner of Buttoned Up, a New York City-based personal styling…

Cayman Islands in 5…

The Cayman Islands are a popular tropical destination located 480 miles south of Miami that boast crystal-clear waters and paradisiacal weather (average temperatures in the winter and summer are 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit respectively). Three islands make up the…