Tag Archives: college

LA ‘black ball’ reservoir rollout potential ‘disaster’ in the making, say experts

LA’s scheme to cover a reservoir under 96 million “shade balls” may not be all it is touted to be, experts told FoxNews.com, with some critics going so far as to refer to the plan as a “potential disaster.” The…

What my mother’s last twelve hours could teach America

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in the Republican Party? Do you want to change the direction of America under Obama? Well then I have a magical story to share with you. This story has the power to…

Life after loss: Reflecting on the impact an individual can make in others’ lives

Woody Fraser (left) and Hal Meyers (right) met 30 years ago and maintained a close friendship until Hal’s death in 2015. My husband lost his best friend today: Hal Meyers, the salt of the earth. He was my dear friend,…

Trump 2016? – Jeb Bush Makes It Official

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush takes the stage as he formally joins the race for president with a speech at Miami Dade College, Monday, June 15, 2015, in Miami. (AP Photo/David Goldman) Controversial television personality and businessman Donald Trump expected…

Profs say US history guidelines would shortchange college-bound seniors

Neither Ben Franklin nor Martin Luther King Jr. make an appearance in the College Board’s AP US History guidelines. Dozens of historians have sent the influential College Board back to the drawing board, after determining that its U.S. history exam…

Time to pull your kids out of public school?

My high school colors were green and white. At graduation the boys wore green robes and the girls wore white. No one considered the girls inferior because of the color of their robes. Today, we live in different times. My…

Seattle minimum wage increase takes effect and eating out gets more expensive

Eating meals out in Seattle just got more expensive as tens of thousands of low wage workers got a raise this week to $11 an hour. It was the first scheduled pay increase on the way to $15 an hour,…

Illinois’ new GOP governor throws down gauntlet in union, spending fight

While Bruce Rauner campaigned for governor of Illinois, he repeatedly promised change. Opponents, supporters and undecided voters alike complained he never defined what that change meant. Now they know. In his first budget address to the Illinois General Assembly, the…

Obama shows mixed results in delivering on State of the Union promises

Close Guantanamo. End the Iraq war. Tax the rich. Increase nuclear power. Drill for oil in the Atlantic. President Obama called for all these initiatives and more in previous State of the Union speeches. Some came to pass; others did…

Men — the new second class citizens

In November of last year, I wrote an article for Fox News called The War on Men (which I subsequently expanded to an eBook). To keep it pithy, in the piece I focused on one effect of this war: the…