Tag Archives: mountain

‘Showing the truth’: Kurdish pop star takes on ISIS with beauty, song

Helly Luv struggled to make it as a pop star in Hollywood, then followed her dream in the service of her people. She’s been likened to Shakira and Lady Gaga, but Helly Luv, the Kurdish pop star who is using…

Solar eclipse: Green groups fight sun-powered plant over Bighorn worries

One might expect environmentalists to fight a new power plant, but a new battle being waged by California green groups against a solar facility shows there may be something new under the sun, after all. A solar-powered plant proposed by…

The definitive techie gift guide for 2015 grads

(Dell) Graduation season is upon us. Parents might not understand why their son or daughter has chosen to be a paleontologist or travel to France for a gap year, but there’s good news. Before Johnny or Susie head off to…

Military eyeing former Cold War mountain bunker as ‘shield’ against EMP attack?

New concerns are being raised that the nation’s electrical grid and critical infrastructure are increasingly vulnerable to a catastrophic foreign attack — amid speculation over whether officials are eyeing a former Cold War bunker, inside a Colorado mountain, as a…

Australia’s Gold Coast in 5…

Australia’s Gold Coast is a surfer, vacationer and adventure seeker’s paradise. Some 10.5 million visitors make their way to the area each year, so if are looking for an unforgettable trip, consider booking a flight to this sunny stretch Down…

Adrenaline-pumping ways to see fall colors

A Cruise via Air Mauiva’s All-American East AirCruiseDeparting from Farmingdale, NYhttp://www.mauivaaircruise.com/ ; The AirCruise packages feature flights on a private plane to multiple destinations across North America with private guided tours at each stop to enjoy the fall colors. “The…

5 healthy breakfast choices

(iStock) Kick-starting your morning with a healthy breakfast is imperative — it is, after all, the most important meal of the day. Does breakfast in less than 10 minutes sound familiar? It’s far too easy to grab something on your…

Receive a real elfin education in Iceland

Elf Quest According to a 2007 poll, the majority of Icelanders don’t deny the existence of elves and 8 percent believe in them outright. ;The elves live in craggy hillsides and cave near running water, which visitors (like the writer…

I’m a girl, and I hunt

In Roman mythology, the master of the hunt was the goddess Diana. She was praised for her strength, athletic grace, beauty, and hunting skills. In Freemasonry, she was a symbol of sensibility and imagination, of poets and artists. Shrines were…